<meta name=keywords content="Form">
<title> Form Demonstration Page</title>

<body BGCOLOR="#ffffff">

<h3>Form Demonstration Page</h3>

<A HREF="../help/cginotes.html#FormsI"><IMG SRC="../images/help.gif" ALT="Click here"></A> for more information on forms.<BR>

<A HREF="./form_source.html"><IMG SRC="../images/nut_icon.gif" ALT="Click here"></A> to see the source of this document.<BR>

<p>Input information into the various fields of this form and then click on execute. </p>
<p>The next page will be generated by a CGI script, showing you the <br>
information sent out by the form and how it was handled.</p>

<FORM ACTION = "form.cgi" METHOD="POST">

Checkbox info, check all that apply
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="computer person">computer person
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="non-computer person">non-computer person
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="computer">computer <br>
This line of the form is <b>hidden</b>. It exists but you can't see it. It says: "I was hidden".
<Input Type="hidden" Name="address" Value="I was hidden"><br>

Input a Password
<Input Type="password" Name="input-password"><br>

What's your feeling's about the weatherv <Input Type="radio" Name="attitude" Value="good">good
<Input Type="radio" Name="attitude" Value="bad">bad
<Input Type="radio" Name="attitude" Value="whatever">whatever <br>
What's your name?
<Input Type="text" Name="user-name" size="40" Maxlength="40"><br>

Input your Comments about this page <br>
<TEXTAREA name="comments" rows="2" cols="60"></TEXTAREA>

Select the food which you like the best from the list below<br>
<SELECT name="foods" Multiple Size="6">
<OPTION Value="broccoli">broccoli
<OPTION Value="radishes">radishes
<OPTION Value="apples">apples
<OPTION Value="pastry">pastry
<OPTION Value="soup">soup
<OPTION Value="castor oil">castor oil
<Input Type="submit" Value="Execute Form">
<Input Type="reset" Value="Clear Values">
You may also execute the form by clicking on the sensitive image below. If you choose this option, the X,Y coordinates of the cursor will also be passed along as parameters..<br>
<Input Type="image" Src="starscape.gif" name="sensitive_image">